Leesons Resident's Association - Articles of Association (as of 1st August 1998)
The name of the Association shall be “Leesons Residents’ Association” and shall be non-party and non-sectarian.
The Estate shall refer to Highfield Road (up to and including the bollards), Southfield Road and Sunnyfield Road (up to and including the bollards).
a) To maintain all existing roads.
b) To preserve the amenities of the estate, roads and houses and to keep residents informed on all matters relating thereto.
c) To be registered with, and recognised by, the local authority, as an official body, and other such official bodies as is desirable from time to time.
d) To investigate, organise, or take part in other matters on behalf of the residents as may from time to time seem desirable in their interests.
Requirement is to include all fully paid households.
The subscription for membership shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting and shall be payable on the 1st May for the forthcoming year.
The committee shall consist of a Chairman, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Secretary and a minimum of six other members. Other persons may be co-opted as necessary for a special purpose or for their particular knowledge. Six members shall form a quorum. The committee shall be invested with power to deal with the business of the Association and act on its behalf. Action on major issues shall be subject to the decision of a Special or Annual General Meeting.
Meetings shall be held every two months or as the occasion arises to discuss matters brought forward by the representatives or other bodies.
To be held on the first Monday in April or as soon thereafter as is practicable
A quorum shall consist of fifteen voting members.
This shall be called at the request of the Committee or any six residents, specifying the purpose for which such meeting is desired.
Only one vote per household will be allowed.