About the Leesons Resident's Association
The Leesons Residents‘ Association was set up in the late 1950’s when the roads were unmade, uneven and each household was responsible for repairing potholes. At the time the roads were used as a short cut to Leesons Hill from neighbouring estates. After some lengthy consultation with the council the residents were given approval to erect the bollards and make up the roads at their own expense.
The Association was formed to maintain the Estate:
Highfield Road, Southfield Road and Sunnyfield Road.
Annual Subscriptions are collected from each household, the sum agreed at the Annual General Meeting held in April each year.
The condition of the roads are regularly checked and discussed at committee meetings.
The Association is registered and recognised by the local council and other bodies as is desirable from time to time to act as the official body on behalf of the residents.
To investigate, organise, or take part in other matters on behalf of the residents as may from time to time seem desirable in their interest.
To keep residents informed on matters relating to local environmental issues.
To preserve the goodwill of former members and promote our community spirit.